The Garsington Declaration


As Residents of Garsington we feel let down by politicians of all political persuasions. We are the unwilling victims of a National Planning Framework that promotes the interest of developers above our rights as a local community. The single-minded pursuit of an Oxfordshire Growth Deal with a narrow focus on technology, the construction industry, and the unnecessary expansion of Oxford City has damaged our community.

 We are deeply upset that the rural economy and the vital part it can play in the regeneration of our planet has been ignored. Despite this, we still commit to working with those responsible for shaping Oxfordshire’s future. We therefore ask them to recognise, with words and deeds, our Garsington Declaration, and our Northfield Visionas a genuine ………….

….  Future Oxfordshire Partnership.

 The Declaration   We the people of Garsington declare: –

  1. We are a small rural village positively contributing to local agricultural food production.
  2. Our parish boundaries reflect our heritage: they should not be altered or destroyed without our agreement.
  3. We commit to protecting our green spaces, biodiversity and the environment including that of our neighbours.
  4. We support the protection of our planet for future generations.
  5. We support the provision of social and affordable housing within our parish, consistent with our small village status.
  6.  We assert that landowners, developers, district councils, Oxfordshire County Council, OxLep and our MP should support our village declaration with words and deeds.


This meeting formally proposes the adoption of the Garsington Declaration and the Northfield Vision and that copies of each are sent to those listed below so that they too can commit to a positive future for our parish and other communities in Oxfordshire.

  • Michael Gove Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities
  • Our serving Member of Parliament
  • The leader of Oxfordshire County Council
  • The chief executiveOxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership (OxLep)
  • The leader of South Oxfordshire District Council
  • The leader of Oxford City Council
  • The principal and governors of Brasenose College Oxford

 Voted on and passed at the Garsington Village public village meeting 3rd March 2022